3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy


Ever feel like your company’s strategy just isn’t getting through to your team? You’re not alone. Many leaders struggle to make their strategic vision clear to employees, even though they spend loads of time and effort on communication. So, how can you bridge this gap?

Why Miscommunication Happens

Let’s start with a story. A pilot once told us about an accident on a morning flight in the 1950s. The captain noticed his flight engineer looked down and said, “Cheer up, George.” But the sleepy engineer heard, “Gear up, George,” and raised the landing gear too soon. The plane sank and skidded to a halt. Luckily, no one was hurt.

This story shows how miscommunication happens when context isn’t clear. If George had understood the captain was talking about his mood, not flying, the mistake wouldn’t have happened.

The Problem with Strategy Communication

In many companies, employees don’t fully grasp their organisation’s strategy. It’s not because leaders aren’t communicating; it’s because they’re not providing the right context. Without this, strategic messages fall flat.

How to Communicate Your Company’s Strategy Clearly

1. Present the Rejected Alternatives

Explaining why certain options were not chosen can make your strategy clearer.

For instance, John Bachmann of Edward Jones explained their strategy by highlighting what they didn’t do:

  • No Institutional Investors: They focus on individual investors.
  • No Urban Focus: They target rural America.
  • No Exotic Products: They sell transparent, safe products.
  • No In-House Mutual Funds: They don’t manufacture what they sell.
  • No Big Offices: They operate small offices in small communities.

By saying what they don’t do, employees understand what they do and why.

2. Link to Purpose

Tie your strategic decisions to your company’s purpose.

Take DPG Media Group. Their goal is to deliver high-quality, professional journalism in the digital era. When they decided to focus on acquisitions and limit markets to Belgium and the Netherlands, it was all about competing with Google and Facebook for advertisers while maintaining quality journalism.

3. Involve Employees in Strategy Development

Include employees in the strategy process. This can be through feedback, strategy workshops, or testing new initiatives.

For example:

  • Premium-Kollektiv: Any employee can start a strategy dialogue.
  • Valve: Employees must persuade at least two colleagues to join their initiative.
  • Bridgestone: Uses AI-powered surveys to gather employee insights.

Involving employees deepens their understanding and creates a shared familiarity with the strategy.

Wrapping Up

Clear strategy communication isn’t about dumbing things down; it’s about providing context. By presenting rejected alternatives, linking to purpose, and involving employees in strategy development, you can make your strategy understandable and actionable for everyone.


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