Michael Cohen Reveals How to Spot Trump’s Lies: The ‘Accordion Hands’ Tell


In the world of political theatre, detecting when a public figure isn’t being truthful can be as nuanced as reading body language. Michael Cohen, former personal attorney and fixer for Donald Trump, has provided an intriguing insight into recognising when Trump is lying. According to Cohen, you don’t need to scrutinise Trump’s words—just watch his hands.

The ‘Accordion Hands’ Tell

Michael Cohen’s Key Insight
Michael Cohen shared with CNN’s Jim Acosta that Trump’s telltale sign of lying is his use of “accordion hands.” When Trump starts displaying this particular hand gesture, Cohen asserts, it’s a sure sign he’s not being truthful.

  • What Are ‘Accordion Hands’?
    The term refers to a hand gesture where Trump’s hands move in a way that resembles the opening and closing of an accordion. This movement indicates to Cohen that Trump is fabricating or stretching the truth.

  • Why This Gesture Matters
    Cohen’s observation comes from years of working closely with Trump, giving him a unique perspective on the former president’s behaviour. This gesture has become a notable “tell” for Trump’s dishonesty.

The Debate Drama: Mics and Strategy

Trump vs. Harris Debate Details
The upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled for September 10. However, there’s an ongoing debate over the debate’s format, particularly regarding microphone use.

  • The Mics Controversy
    The Harris campaign advocates for having the mics on at all times to ensure transparency. Conversely, Trump’s team prefers the mics to be muted when not in use.

  • Why the Dispute?
    Cohen explains that the disagreement over mic usage reflects Trump’s concerns about his own behaviour during the debate. His campaign is wary of him making offhand remarks or interrupting Harris excessively.

Trump’s Debate Behaviour: What to Expect

Challenges with Trump’s Debate Style
Cohen highlights that Trump’s propensity to speak out of turn and his struggle with self-control make the mic issue significant.

  • Interruptions and Offhand Comments
    Trump’s tendency to interrupt and make unscripted comments could be problematic if the mics are left on. Cohen believes that Trump’s campaign is aware of this and is trying to mitigate potential issues.

  • The Real Concern
    Cohen suggests that Trump himself is aware of his inability to stay controlled during debates. This self-awareness drives the campaign’s desire to limit mic use to avoid potential pitfalls during the live event.

Understanding the Dynamics: More Than Just Body Language

The Broader Picture
Cohen’s insights into Trump’s body language and debate strategies offer a fascinating glimpse into the strategic and psychological aspects of political discourse.

  • Body Language and Public Perception
    Recognising body language can be crucial in understanding public figures, especially in high-stakes scenarios like presidential debates.

  • The Impact on Voters
    Voters often pick up on non-verbal cues that can influence their perception of a candidate’s honesty and reliability. Cohen’s observations underscore the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication in shaping political narratives.


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