Election Tracker Insights: Criminal Convictions Won’t Sway Most Voters, Political News Increasingly Captivates Americans


As the 2024 presidential election looms, voter attitudes and political engagement are intensifying. The CivicScience Election Mindset Tracker delves deep into these dynamics, revealing critical insights about American voters’ attitudes and behaviours. These insights extend beyond mere polling, examining the intricate impacts of politics on the economy, market trends, and overall well-being.

Majority of Voters Unmoved by Criminal Convictions

A striking revelation from the CivicScience tracker is that criminal convictions of political figures like Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are not significantly swaying voters’ decisions. Among their supporters, only a small percentage (5-6%) are reconsidering their votes due to recent convictions. Interestingly, for those who were planning to vote for Trump before May 30, his convictions have solidified their support, maintaining his 6-7 point lead over President Biden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Criminal convictions have minimal impact on voter decisions.
  • Trump’s convictions have bolstered his supporters’ resolve.
  • Voter loyalty appears robust despite legal controversies.

Surge in Attention to Political News

June witnessed a surge in Americans’ attention to political events, coinciding with major occurrences such as the first presidential debate. This heightened engagement underscores a growing interest in political developments as the election approaches.


  • Americans’ attention to politics is near an all-time high.
  • Significant political events are driving this increased focus.
  • Understanding voter engagement trends is crucial for predicting election outcomes.

Republican Support for Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling granting presidents immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts has sparked a partisan response. Republicans largely approve of the decision, whereas a significant majority of Democrats oppose it. This ruling could have profound implications for future presidential conduct and accountability.

Key Insights:

  • Republicans favour the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity.
  • The decision is polarising across party lines.
  • Future legal and political battles are likely to ensue over this contentious issue.

Implications for the 2024 Presidential Election

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, these insights offer a glimpse into the evolving political landscape. Voter behaviour, influenced by key events and judicial rulings, will play a pivotal role in shaping the election outcome.

Strategic Insights:

  • Political campaigns must navigate voter loyalty and legal controversies.
  • Monitoring voter engagement trends can provide a strategic advantage.
  • Understanding partisan responses to judicial decisions is crucial for political strategists.

Call to Action

This data is just a sneak peek into the wealth of insights available through the CivicScience Election Mindset Tracker. For businesses and political analysts seeking to stay ahead of the curve, accessing the full breadth of this data is invaluable. Dive deeper into voter behaviour trends and leverage these insights to craft winning strategies.

Learn More:

  • Explore how CivicScience can help your brand navigate the political landscape.
  • Access comprehensive election insights to stay ahead of market trends.
  • Discover the hidden consumer trends that drive voter behaviour.


The 2024 presidential election is set to be one of the most closely watched and fiercely contested in recent history. Understanding voter attitudes, particularly around issues like criminal convictions and judicial rulings, will be critical. CivicScience’s insights provide a crucial window into these dynamics, helping stakeholders navigate the complex political terrain.

Photo credit: Microsoft

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