Empowering Gen Z for Uganda’s Tech Future: Bridging the Skills Gap


As Uganda strides into the digital era, one truth becomes increasingly clear: technology is essential for driving national progress. However, according to a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), many technology-related jobs in Uganda remain unfilled due to a shortage of qualified candidates. With over 75% of Uganda’s population under 30 years of age, there is a compelling need to empower the youth, guide them towards tech careers, and unlock their potential to lead Uganda’s technological transformation.

The Youthful Advantage: Uganda’s Demographic Dividend

Harnessing a Young Population
Uganda is one of the youngest countries globally. This demographic reality presents a golden opportunity. Properly guided, our youth could be the catalyst for Uganda’s tech revolution. But how do we tap into this potential?

The Skills Gap
Despite their promise, many young Ugandans face barriers to entering the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. The ILO’s report highlights a critical skills gap in technology-related jobs. Filling this gap is crucial for Uganda’s economic growth and global competitiveness.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusivity

Addressing Gender and Socioeconomic Barriers
While Uganda has made strides in promoting education, gender disparities and socioeconomic challenges still hinder many from pursuing tech careers. Initiatives like GirlUp Uganda and Africa Code Week are pivotal. They introduce girls and young people to STEM education and coding, paving the way for a more inclusive tech workforce.

Building a Diverse Tech Ecosystem
Encouraging diversity is not just about meeting industry demands; it’s about driving innovation and ensuring Uganda remains competitive. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives, leading to more creative solutions and technological advancements.

Real-World Success Stories

Innovative Ugandan Entrepreneurs
Young Ugandans are already proving their ability to drive change through technology:

  • RocketHealth
    Founded by Dr. Davis Musinguzi, RocketHealth is revolutionising healthcare in Uganda. By offering online consultations and prescription deliveries, RocketHealth improves access to healthcare, particularly in rural areas.

  • SafeBoda
    This motorcycle ride-hailing service addresses everyday transportation challenges while creating jobs for thousands of young people. SafeBoda exemplifies how tech can solve local issues and spur economic development.

The Role of Education and Practical Experience

Integrating Tech Skills into Education
Educational institutions play a crucial role in preparing youth for tech careers. Schools must integrate digital literacy, coding, and problem-solving into their curriculums to equip students with the skills needed for the tech industry.

Importance of Mentorship and Hands-On Experience
Education alone is not enough. Programs like the Youth Entrepreneurship Development Programme (YEDP) and The Innovation Village provide practical experience and connect young people with industry leaders. These opportunities bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application.

Private Sector Initiatives

Corporate Contributions to Tech Education
At Roke Telkom, we recently hosted students from the Jesuit Refugee Service for a tour of our Network Operations Centre (NOC). This hands-on experience, including visits to our monitoring stations and data centres, provided students with insights into modern telecommunications operations.

Supporting Young Talent
The government’s National ICT Innovation Support Programme offers grants and mentorship to young tech entrepreneurs. While this is a step in the right direction, there is a need for increased investment in tech infrastructure, start-up funding, and policies that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Path Forward: Empowering Uganda’s Youth

Creating a Supportive Environment
Empowering Uganda’s youth to embrace technology careers is not just a strategic move for national development—it’s a moral imperative. With the right support, resources, and inspiration, the youth of Uganda can lead the country into a future defined by innovation, inclusivity, and sustainable growth.

Commitment to a Brighter Future
Let us commit to creating an environment where every young Ugandan can turn their digital fluency into a powerful tool for change. This commitment will ensure a brighter future for all and harness the full potential of Uganda’s youthful population.

Further Reading

  1. GirlUp Uganda: Empowering Girls in STEM
  2. Africa Code Week: Teaching Coding Skills
  3. RocketHealth: Telemedicine Innovation
  4. SafeBoda: Transforming Transportation
  5. Youth Entrepreneurship Development Programme (YEDP)


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