Florida Woman Faces Financial Hardship After Unexpected Medicaid Loss


Florida Woman Faces Financial Hardship After Unexpected Medicaid Loss

Hundreds of Floridians Losing Medicaid

A Florida woman has found herself owing hundreds of dollars after unexpectedly losing her Medicaid coverage. As Florida faces a lawsuit alleging that it illegally removed recipients from Medicaid, many are coming forward with their stories of sudden loss of coverage.

The federal class action lawsuit accuses Florida of violating residents’ constitutional rights to due process and a fair hearing under the Medicaid Act. Plaintiffs claim that the state notified them of ineligibility due to exceeding income requirements without proper explanation.

The Unwinding of Medicaid in Florida

Massive Impact on Beneficiaries

Since the state’s unwinding process began, at least 1.8 million Floridians have been removed from Medicaid. The process has been fraught with issues, leading to widespread confusion and financial strain among beneficiaries.

Bev Dolgin’s Struggle

Bev Dolgin, a 75-year-old resident of West Palm Beach, is one of many affected. Dolgin started receiving Medicaid last year amidst severe financial struggles. “I was in poor financial straits. My house was foreclosed upon, my bills were excessive, and my husband was not working for various personal reasons, so the whole financial burden was on me,” Dolgin told Newsweek.

A Story of Hardship and Loss

Unexpected Denial of Benefits

Despite her dire situation, Dolgin’s approval for government health benefits was short-lived. By June of this year, she received a letter stating she was no longer eligible for Medicaid. This also meant that the state would not pay for her Part B Medicare, which covers doctor visits and lab tests.

Medicare Part B premiums are withheld from Social Security checks unless the person is eligible for Medicaid,” explained Louise Norris, a health policy analyst for healthinsurance.org. “If they are dually eligible, Medicaid pays the Part B premiums. But if they are disenrolled from Medicaid, the premium is withheld from their Social Security checks instead.”

Navigating the Bureaucracy

No Clear Answers

Dolgin was left “shocked” and “devastated” by the news. “The letter was very cold, with no real explanation,” she said. “I was told that I made too much money, but that was all. No explanation, no compassion.”

In response, Dolgin made multiple trips and phone calls to the Department of Children and Families, which runs Medicaid for Florida. “No one would explain why I was denied Medicaid, passing the buck to others who should have been able to help me but didn’t,” she said.

Financial Consequences and Legal Battles

Mounting Debts and Legal Action

Dolgin officially appealed the decision in June but has yet to receive a response. In the meantime, she received a notice stating she owed over $400 due to the coverage mix-up. “I can barely scrape by,” Dolgin said, highlighting her current financial distress.

Dolgin’s story is one of many being heard in the ongoing lawsuit against Florida’s Medicaid policies. The lawsuit alleges that the state’s termination notifications use standardized “reason codes” that don’t adequately explain why a person is being disenrolled. If the judge rules in favour of the plaintiffs, some Florida residents could see their Medicaid reinstated, at least temporarily.

The Broader Impact on Floridians

Economic Hardship and Health

Florida’s “unwinding” policy has been described by many as a tragedy. “The government needs to stop this unwinding policy, which is ruining its citizens. It needs to thoroughly examine the economic situation of each citizen before passing judgment,” Dolgin said.

Floridians, especially the elderly, are facing severe financial and emotional stress. Dolgin pointed out that despite moving to Florida for its weather and beaches, many now struggle with “outrageous” prices on food, gas, and housing. “Floridians are unfortunately in worse physical, emotional, and financial shape than ever before,” she said.

A Call for Change

Government Accountability

Dolgin’s plea to the Florida government is heartfelt and urgent. “Isn’t it about time that the Florida government actually begins to think about its people, to ensure that all its citizens have proper healthcare, proper nourishment, a proper, livable, manageable way of life?” she asked.

Dolgin, like many others, is praying for a miracle. “We want to be proud Floridians, proud of our way of living, proud to live in our great state. But until our government stops seeing all of us as chess pawns, as puppets, as a means of adding to its financial coffers, things will, I am afraid, continue to get worse,” she said.


The story of Bev Dolgin and many others underscores the severe impact of Florida’s Medicaid unwinding process. As the lawsuit unfolds, the hopes of many Floridians hinge on the possibility of a favourable ruling that could restore their benefits and bring much-needed relief.

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