How to Escape the 9-5 Grind and Become a Future Entrepreneur


Feeling buried under a mountain of AP tests, finals, and college application stress? You’re not alone. It can feel like you’re stuck at the bottom of the ocean with no way to come up for air. But what if I told you there’s a way to navigate this storm and set yourself up as a future entrepreneur?

Business Owner vs. Entrepreneur: What’s the Difference?

It’s crucial to understand the difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur. While both roles involve running a company, they have distinct goals and approaches:

  • Business Owner: Focuses on managing and optimising a company to generate profits. It’s often about maintaining stability and efficiency.
  • Entrepreneur: Concentrates on creating innovative value and driving growth. The aim is to revolutionise and disrupt traditional practices.

As Hamza Rajroot points out on LinkedIn, while business ownership is about running a company, entrepreneurship is about creating and innovating. Understanding this distinction can be your first step in planning your future.

Transforming Your Vision into Reality

You might feel like a creative spirit is trapped at the bottom of the ocean, overwhelmed by school pressures. But remember, even under pressure, you can emerge as a future entrepreneur. Here’s how:

  • Embrace Your Passion: Don’t just go through the motions. Use your passion to fuel your entrepreneurial dreams.
  • Innovate Continuously: Keep pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box. This is the core of entrepreneurship.
  • Balance and Patience: Juggling school and your entrepreneurial aspirations can be tough. But patience is key.

Patience: The Unsung Hero of Success

Let’s talk about patience, or the lack thereof. It’s normal to feel frustrated with the education system designed to funnel us into traditional careers. Yet, even amidst the chaos of finals and applications, remember:

  • Long-Term Vision: Keep your eye on the future. Use this time to refine your business ideas and prepare for your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Actionable Steps: Start planning your business now. Seek out mentors, learn about business and finance, and develop your ideas.

I liken this to a bounce house at a birthday party. When all the kids jump on it, the bounce house deflates, and you might get overwhelmed. But with patience, you’ll eventually get some air again. Hang in there; your entrepreneurial dreams are worth it.

Turning Stress into Strategy

Your current situation might seem overwhelming, but you can use this time to your advantage:

  • Write Down Ideas: Always jot down your innovative thoughts, even if they seem impractical now.
  • Study Smart: Choose classes or extracurriculars that align with your future goals. If possible, focus on business-related subjects.
  • Balance: It’s okay to let your mind wander from textbooks to business plans. Just keep up with your responsibilities and don’t let your grades slip.

The Importance of Networking and Learning

Networking and learning are crucial for any aspiring entrepreneur. Here’s how to make the most of your time in school:

  • Connect with Like-Minded Peers: Join clubs or groups that share your interests. Build relationships with others who have similar entrepreneurial goals.
  • Seek Mentors: Find individuals who can guide you and provide valuable insights into the business world.
  • Stay Informed: Read books, follow industry news, and stay updated on trends that could impact your future ventures.

Your Path Forward

You’re not just preparing for college; you’re laying the groundwork for your future as an entrepreneur. Here’s how to keep moving forward:

  • Plan Your Business: Use this time to draft your business plan, outline your goals, and strategise your approach.
  • Get Mentored: Reach out to entrepreneurs or business professionals who can offer guidance and feedback.
  • Embrace the Journey: Understand that the path to becoming an entrepreneur is long and challenging. But with persistence and passion, you can turn your dreams into reality.


Feeling like you’re stuck at the bottom of the ocean is a common experience during the intense phases of school and application stress. However, by understanding the difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur, embracing patience, and strategically planning your future, you can set yourself up for success.

Even if it seems like a distant dream, remember that every step you take now brings you closer to becoming a future entrepreneur. Keep your ideas alive, stay focused, and believe in your ability to transform your vision into a thriving business.


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