There’s a lot of chatter about Telegram being a haven for criminals, right? But here’s the twist: the very features that attract the wrong crowd—like secure chats—can be invaluable for businesses striving for purpose and integrity.
As the owner of a tech-enabled mobile speech therapy practice, I’m all for using tools that work. And Telegram? It’s been a game changer for us. Here’s why: it helps us run automated recruiting, interviewing, and training bots. Plus, its end-to-end encryption keeps our information secure.
The Journey: Overcoming Challenges with Innovation
Starting this business hasn’t been a walk in the park. Over the past three years, we’ve faced our fair share of hurdles. It’s taken innovation and grit to keep pushing forward. With access to free tools, we bootstrapped our way to over 50 employees. As we grow, so does our reliance on efficient and secure solutions like Telegram.
Imagine needing a full admin team to handle what our bots now do. That’s time and resources we can’t afford to waste. Telegram helps us hire faster and more securely, streamlining our processes without the overhead.
Best Practices for Using Telegram in Small Businesses
If you’re considering incorporating Telegram into your business strategy, here are some best practices to keep in mind.
1. Build Bots to Automate Repetitive Tasks
Automation can supercharge efficiency in any small business.
- Create bots to handle repetitive tasks like answering FAQs or training new staff.
- For example, we developed a bot for our interview process. Candidates receive a link, complete their interviews at their convenience, and record their answers.
- The bot scores responses based on keywords, cutting our interview time from 30 minutes to just under 10!
This shift has allowed us to quickly narrow down candidates for final phone interviews.
2. Use Security Features
Security is paramount.
- Take advantage of Telegram’s security features like Secret Chats for confidential communications.
- Keep bot links private and implement strong passwords.
- These steps protect your data from unauthorized access.
3. Properly Pilot
Before launching any new bots, run a pilot with a small group.
- This lets you test functionality, identify bugs, and gather feedback.
- Rolling out bots in phases ensures they meet business needs before full deployment.
Three Pitfalls to Avoid
While Telegram offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential pitfalls.
1. Not Explaining Why You Use Telegram
Transparency is crucial.
- In our early days, applicants were skeptical about using Telegram. To address this, we clearly communicated our reasons for choosing it—like testing and scoring applicants’ knowledge.
- Always be upfront about your motivations to build trust and credibility.
2. Overloading with Too Many Groups or Channels
Creating too many groups or channels can lead to chaos.
- Start small and only expand when necessary.
- Streamlined communication prevents overwhelming your team with excessive notifications.
3. Uncertainty Around Telegram’s Future
Recent reports have raised questions about Telegram’s future, especially regarding its security.
- Stay informed about potential changes that could affect how you use the platform.
- Be prepared to pivot to other secure platforms if needed.
Conclusion: Making Telegram Work for You
While some view Telegram as a tool for the “bad guys,” we see it as essential to our growth strategy. It’s enabled us to increase our staff without the typical administrative overhead, allowing us to serve more communities with our speech therapy services.
Of course, screen who uses the tool. At the end of the day, it’s about leveraging the best resources to make a positive impact. A tool’s effectiveness is determined by how it’s used.
So, the next time someone tells you that Telegram is just for criminals, remember it’s also for the innovators—those making a real difference.