Olena Zelenska Inspires Ukraine’s Youth: Turning War Trauma into a Vision of Victory


Ukraine’s First Lady, Olena Zelenska, is on a mission to reshape how the country’s children see themselves amidst the ongoing conflict. Rather than perceiving themselves as victims of a relentless war, Zelenska envisions them as a “generation of winners.” Her recent activities highlight her commitment to this vision, reflecting both a moral obligation and a strategic focus on Ukraine’s future.

A New Vision for Ukraine’s Children

Transforming Trauma into Triumph
At a rehabilitation camp for Ukrainian children in Uzhhorod, Zelenska underscored the importance of positive reinforcement in these young lives. The camp, established by the Olena Zelenska Foundation and Voices of the Children charity, serves as a sanctuary where children can temporarily escape the harsh realities of war.

A recent study by the Olena Zelenska Foundation and the Kyiv School of Economics revealed that 44% of Ukrainian children exhibit symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In response, Zelenska emphasises the need to address these issues swiftly and effectively before they escalate into more severe problems.

Zelenska’s Approach
Zelenska, dressed casually in white sneakers and a simple outfit, actively engaged in camp activities. Her presence wasn’t just symbolic; it was a genuine effort to connect with the children. Participating in art therapy, Zelenska drew alongside a boy who had experienced bombings and evacuations. Her involvement highlighted her commitment to providing emotional support and fostering a sense of normalcy and hope.

The Role of Olena Zelenska in Ukraine’s War Effort

A Global and Local Advocate
Since the onset of the war, Zelenska has become a prominent figure both internationally and within Ukraine. She was the first from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s family to leave the country post-invasion, using her platform to advocate for Ukraine’s cause. Despite the global focus, Zelenska remains deeply involved in domestic efforts, frequently visiting displaced families and wounded soldiers.

Her role extends beyond public appearances. Zelenska is actively working to ensure that Ukraine’s children, despite their trauma, can envision a future filled with hope and achievement rather than despair.

Addressing War Fatigue and Ensuring Future Success

Combatting War Fatigue
Zelenska is acutely aware of the concept of “war fatigue.” She dismisses the notion of growing tired of the ongoing conflict, stating, “When your neighbour has a fire, it seems pointless to say: ‘I’m tired of your fire. Stop it. Let’s forget about it.’” Her stance underscores the continuous need for international support and vigilance.

Strategic Importance of Youth Support
For Zelenska, working with the next generation is not merely about addressing immediate psychological needs but also about ensuring long-term national resilience. She believes that by focusing on the wellbeing of children, Ukraine can foster a generation that sees itself as pivotal to the country’s success.

Challenges and Triumphs: Zelenska’s Advocacy

Educational Disruptions
The ongoing conflict has severely impacted Ukraine’s educational system. Many children are unable to attend school in person due to the fighting and frequent blackouts. This disruption highlights the urgent need for both short-term solutions and long-term strategies to restore normalcy in education.

Zelenska advocates for the restoration of traditional schooling where possible, emphasising that secure and functional educational infrastructure is crucial for the children’s development and sense of stability.

Highlighting Child Abductions
A significant focus of Zelenska’s international advocacy is the issue of forcible child deportations by Russia. Over 19,500 Ukrainian children have been forcibly taken from their homes. This grave issue, with arrest warrants issued against Russian officials by the International Criminal Court, remains a central concern in Zelenska’s discussions with global leaders.

The Path Forward for Ukraine’s Youth

A Vision for Victory
Zelenska’s vision extends beyond merely surviving the war; it’s about transforming the narrative for Ukrainian children. Her efforts aim to instil a sense of victory and resilience, positioning them not as victims but as pivotal players in Ukraine’s future.

The Role of International Support
Zelenska acknowledges that achieving this vision requires continued international cooperation and support. She remains hopeful that with combined political will and global assistance, Ukraine can navigate its current challenges and emerge stronger.

In conclusion, Olena Zelenska’s work exemplifies a profound commitment to reshaping the future for Ukraine’s children. By focusing on their emotional and psychological needs, she is not only addressing the immediate impacts of the war but also laying the groundwork for a hopeful and victorious generation.

Further Reading:

  1. Olena Zelenska Foundation: Support and Impact
  2. Ukraine’s Child Trafficking Crisis: An Overview
  3. Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children
  4. The Role of First Ladies in Conflict Zones
  5. International Efforts to Support War-Torn Countries


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