Ruth Langsford’s Secret Struggle With TV Tech: How She Reached Out to Her Son for Help


Loose Women star Ruth Langsford is known for her confidence and poise on screen, but behind the scenes, even she has faced some very relatable challenges. During a recent episode of ITV’s Loose Women, Ruth, 64, opened up about a frustrating experience that led her to reach out to her son, Jack, for help. The issue? Modern smart TV technology that left her stumped.

If you’ve ever struggled with new technology, you’re not alone. Ruth’s humorous and candid story about calling her son while trying to watch TV reminds us all that even celebrities need help sometimes.

The Tech Struggle: Ruth Langsford vs. Smart TV

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? That moment when technology decides to fail you at the most inconvenient time. For Ruth Langsford, it happened just when she wanted to settle down and watch Strictly Come Dancing. During a discussion on Loose Women about the 50th anniversary of Ceefax, Ruth revealed her ordeal with her smart TV. She said:

“Mine actually went off. Horror, I went to turn it on to watch Strictly, and it said, ‘You are currently not connected to something box.’”

Completely baffled by the cryptic message, Ruth found herself at a loss. Like many of us, she longed for the days of simpler technology.

Turning to Her Son for Help

In a moment of desperation, Ruth had to reach out to her 22-year-old son, Jack, for assistance. Jack, who was out at the time, wasn’t exactly thrilled to receive the call, but like any good son, he patiently walked her through the process over the phone. Ruth explained:

“I ended up having to phone Jack… had to get him to talk me through going up to the other box by our loft. Turn it on and off, wait five minutes, wait for the green light.”

Her relatable frustration with modern technology is something that resonates with many of us. Technology has come a long way, but it often leaves even the best of us feeling powerless.

Ruth’s Tech Journey: The Good Old Days of Ceefax

During the same episode, the panel was reminiscing about the nostalgic days of Ceefax and Teletext, which, despite being basic compared to today’s technology, were much simpler to use. Ceefax, which was a text-based information service, allowed users to browse news and other updates with minimal fuss—no smart boxes or internet connections required. Ruth’s comment, “Good Lord! Can’t I just have this?”, as she held up a traditional TV remote, perfectly captured the frustration many feel when grappling with complex tech.

Viewers quickly took to Twitter to share their own experiences and thoughts. One viewer posted nostalgically about having to physically walk over to the TV to change the channel. Another commented, “Who would miss Teletext? We now have the internet!”, highlighting just how far television technology has evolved.

The Impact of Technology on Our Lives

For Ruth Langsford and millions of others, the evolution of television and other gadgets has brought with it a mix of convenience and frustration. The learning curve can be steep, and as technology continues to advance, it sometimes feels like it’s leaving us behind. While Ruth’s story is funny and relatable, it also underscores a broader issue—how reliant we’ve become on complex devices for even the simplest tasks.

But here’s the thing: It’s okay to struggle with technology. Ruth’s experience is a reminder that even people in the spotlight need help navigating the digital age. And, as in Ruth’s case, sometimes that help comes from younger generations who grew up with these innovations.

Lessons from Ruth’s Experience

There are a few takeaways from Ruth Langsford’s tech dilemma that we can all learn from:

  • It’s okay to ask for help. No matter your age or experience, we all face challenges with modern gadgets. Asking for help, especially from younger family members, can save you hours of frustration.

  • Patience is key. Jack’s calm and patient approach to walking his mum through the process is something we can all learn from. Whether you’re on the receiving end of a frantic phone call or dealing with tech issues yourself, patience always pays off.

  • Embrace the change, but don’t be afraid to reminisce. While technology can be complex, it also offers incredible benefits. Still, there’s nothing wrong with longing for the simplicity of older systems like Ceefax or Teletext.

Ruth’s Transformation Amid Personal Struggles

Interestingly, Ruth’s light-hearted tech struggles come at a time of personal change in her life. Despite her composed demeanour on Loose Women, Ruth has been navigating her way through a major life event—her split from Eamonn Holmes, with whom she had been since 1996.

Fans have been amazed at Ruth’s grace and strength during this time, with many commenting on her poise and elegance. The announcement of their divorce earlier this year shocked their loyal followers, as the couple had long been seen as one of the most solid pairings in showbiz.

Despite the challenges in her personal life, Ruth has continued to shine on Loose Women, proving that she’s just as strong off-screen as she is on. Her candidness about her tech struggles adds a relatable and humanising layer to the persona we see on TV. It reminds us all that behind the glitz and glamour of television, even stars like Ruth Langsford face the same everyday challenges we do.

Final Thoughts

In the age of smart TVs, streaming services, and high-tech gadgets, Ruth Langsford’s struggles with her television are something we can all relate to. Her story is a light-hearted reminder that it’s okay to ask for help, embrace a bit of nostalgia, and—most importantly—laugh at ourselves when technology gets the better of us.

So, the next time you find yourself shouting at a smart device, just remember Ruth’s words: “Good Lord! Can’t I just have this?” We’ve all been there, and sometimes, the best solution is just to give it a reboot—and maybe call your son for help.

Learn More:

  1. smart TV technology (Link:
  2. Loose Women (Link:
  3. nostalgic days of Ceefax (Link:
  4. Eamonn Holmes split (Link:
  5. modern technology struggles (Link:


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