Titan Submersible: Understanding the Risks and Lessons Learned


The recent hearings on the Titan submersible disaster have brought to light the complex realities of deep-sea exploration. Fred Hagen, a commercial contractor and one of the mission specialists who dove with OceanGate’s Titan, candidly shared his experiences and the inherent risks involved. His testimony serves as a reminder that while adventure calls, safety often takes a back seat in experimental ventures.

Who is Fred Hagen?

Fred Hagen participated in two deep-sea dives with the Titan, the first in July 2021 and the second in July 2022. He knows the thrill of exploring the Titanic shipwreck, yet he understands the weight of responsibility that comes with such undertakings.

Acknowledging the Risks

During the hearing, Hagen made it clear:

  • “It wasn’t supposed to be safe. It was supposed to be a thrilling adventure.”
  • He grasped the experimental nature of the Titan, realising that safety was not guaranteed.

Hagen recalled discussions with fellow explorers, including the late French explorer Paul Henri “P.H.” Nargeolet, where the consensus was stark: if something went wrong, there was little chance of rescue at such depths.

The Reality of Experimental Submersibles

Hagen’s insights into the Titan’s operational procedures are revealing.

Key Takeaways from His Testimony:

  • Experimental Status: Hagen stressed that the Titan was not certified, highlighting the inherent dangers of using untested technology.

  • Loud Bang Incident: During his second dive, a loud bang was heard. Initially concerning, it was later determined to be a non-issue, but it highlighted the constant tension between risk and adventure.

  • Culture of Safety: While Hagen noted that OceanGate had a safety culture in place, he acknowledged that it was inherently flawed.

Quotes that Resonate

  • Anyone that felt safe going to depth in the Titan was deluded, or delusional.” This underscores the reality that thrill-seekers should understand the risks they embrace.

  • He compared diving in the Titan to jumping out of an airplane for the adrenaline rush, reinforcing that safety was not the primary goal.

Contrasting Perspectives: Safety in Deep-Sea Exploration

While Hagen shared his acceptance of risk, others voiced concerns about the need for regulation and safety in deep-sea exploration. Antonella Wilby, a former contractor for OceanGate, described the company’s safety culture as “safety theatre”, suggesting that the appearance of safety didn’t match the reality.

The Call for Certification

Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines, echoed the need for certification in deep-sea vessels:

  • Certification is non-negotiable for any vehicle taking people to the deep sea.”
  • He highlighted that certified submersibles have a track record of safety and reliability, stating that “innovation must occur within a framework of rules.”

The Lessons from Titan

As the hearings continue, many hope to extract valuable lessons from this tragedy. Hagen expressed his desire for the Titan incident to be a “teachable moment.”

What Needs to Change:

  1. Improved Safety Regulations: The need for stringent regulations in experimental deep-sea ventures is paramount.

  2. Better Communication: Companies must ensure that participants fully understand the risks involved in their adventures.

  3. Focus on Certification: Industry leaders advocate for mandatory certification to ensure reliability and safety in submersibles.

The Future of Deep-Sea Exploration

While innovation is essential, it must not come at the cost of safety. The Titan tragedy has opened up crucial discussions about how we approach deep-sea exploration.

Final Thoughts from Fred Hagen

In his closing remarks, Hagen warned against using the Titan incident to stifle future innovation.

  • “The greater tragedy than the OceanGate tragedy is if we use this event to inhibit future innovation.”

This perspective highlights the delicate balance between innovation and safety in an adventurous industry.


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