How Project 2025 Uses California as a Conservative Foil Against Biden’s Potential Successors


When it comes to American politics, California is often portrayed as a liberal bastion at odds with the conservative heartland of the country. Recently, Project 2025, a comprehensive conservative strategy spearheaded by Trump allies, has intensified this portrayal. In this post, we will dive into how Project 2025 uses California’s policies and leaders as a battleground for conservative values in the 2024 election cycle.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is a significant conservative initiative aimed at shaping a second term for Donald Trump. This ambitious 900+ page manifesto, released by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative think tanks, outlines a strategy for reasserting conservative principles in U.S. governance.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Focus: Establishing a conservative agenda for Trump’s potential second term.
  • Scope: Over 900 pages of detailed policy proposals and strategic goals.
  • Key Goals: Reversing progressive policies and reshaping federal agencies.

California as the Conservative Target

Project 2025 prominently features California as a key example of what conservatives view as failed liberal policies. The plan uses the state as a symbol of out-of-touch elitism and mismanagement. This strategy is evident in both the extensive Project 2025 report and the shorter, punchier GOP platform recently adopted by party officials.

Key Points of Criticism:

  • Elitism and Inequality: Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, frames California as a land of “billionaire climate activists” and “COVID-19 shutdown politicians.” The narrative suggests that leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom are emblematic of a broader failure of the left.

  • Policy Differences: The plan criticizes California’s policies on:

    • Climate Change: The state’s ambitious goals for reducing carbon emissions are seen as extreme and impractical.
    • Abortion Rights: California is portrayed as a sanctuary for abortion tourism against a backdrop of proposed nationwide restrictions.
    • LGBTQ+ Rights: The platform targets California’s inclusive curricula and policies as examples of leftist overreach.

Why California?

California serves as a powerful foil for the GOP for several reasons:

  1. High Visibility: As the most populous state with a significant economic and cultural influence, California’s policies and leaders are widely recognised.
  2. Symbol of Liberal Policies: The state’s progressive stances on issues like environmental regulations and LGBTQ+ rights are central to conservative critiques.
  3. Political Contrast: By emphasising the contrast between California’s policies and their own conservative agenda, Republicans aim to galvanise their base.

Project 2025 vs. the GOP Platform: What’s the Difference?

While Project 2025 and the GOP platform share similar themes, there are notable differences in their approaches.

  • Project 2025: This plan is a deep dive into how Trump can reshape American governance. It advocates for:

    • Dismantling Federal Agencies: The plan calls for significant cuts and restructuring of agencies perceived as promoting woke culture.
    • Restricting Abortion: It proposes measures to challenge abortion rights at the federal level.
    • Undoing Environmental Regulations: The report suggests rescinding California’s clean air standards and promoting fossil fuel usage.
  • GOP Platform: This is a more concise, publicly digestible version of conservative priorities. It focuses on:

    • Cutting Taxes: Emphasising tax cuts as a means to stimulate economic growth.
    • Securing the Border: A call for stricter immigration enforcement.
    • Supporting Parental Rights: Advocating for policies to counteract perceived indoctrination in schools.

How This Strategy Plays Out in 2024

As the 2024 election approaches, the portrayal of California as a symbol of liberal excess is likely to intensify, especially if Joe Biden is replaced by a California politician like Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris. Here’s how this might impact the election:

  • Increased Attacks: Expect more attacks on California policies and leaders from the right. The state will be portrayed as a model for everything conservatives oppose.
  • Rhetorical Emphasis: Republicans will highlight California’s issues to contrast with their own proposed solutions.
  • Mobilising the Base: By framing California as a cautionary tale, the GOP aims to energise their base and attract voters concerned about liberal policies.

Potential Challenges and Responses

California is not without its means of resistance:

  • Legal Challenges: The state has a history of robust legal battles against federal overreach.
  • Public Opinion: Many Californians and progressives nationwide may view Project 2025’s criticisms as exaggerated or misleading.

Bruce Cain, a Stanford University political scientist, notes that while California will face challenges, it also has the resources and determination to fight back against conservative agendas.

Looking Ahead

As we move towards the 2024 election, it’s clear that Project 2025 will leverage California’s progressive policies as a key campaign tool. This strategy reflects a broader effort to appeal to conservative voters by contrasting their vision with what they portray as the failures of California’s liberal experiment.

California will undoubtedly play a central role in the election narrative, whether as a battleground for conservative ideals or as a symbol of progressive values.

In Summary

Project 2025’s use of California as a conservative foil is more than just a political tactic; it’s a central piece of the GOP’s strategy for the 2024 election. By framing California as a model of everything wrong with liberal governance, conservatives aim to mobilise their base and set the stage for a potential second term for Trump.

© Photy Provided by LA Times


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