Why Founders Need a Strong Advisory Team: Key Strategies for Success


Why Founders Need a Strong Advisory Team: Key Strategies for Success

Building a successful start-up hinges not just on innovative ideas but also on surrounding yourself with the right minds. As founders, you need a strong advisory team more than ever to navigate the complex landscape of early-stage entrepreneurship. Here’s why and how you can effectively assemble and manage a top-tier advisory board.

Why You Need a Strong Advisory Team

In today’s fast-paced start-up environment, the importance of a strong advisory team cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  • Increased Funding Early On: More founders are receiving significant funding at earlier stages. For instance, the median early-stage seed check was $3.1 million in 2023, demanding greater financial and strategic responsibility from founders.

  • Complex Products and Markets: As products become more specialised, the need for expert guidance increases. A knowledgeable advisory team can help navigate these complexities and accelerate your start-up’s growth.

  • Avoiding Pitfalls: As noted by Tom Eisenmann in his 2021 Harvard Business Review article, the wrong advisory team can be detrimental. A well-chosen advisory board mitigates risks and adds substantial value.

1. Identify the Gaps and Needs

Understand the Puzzle and Identify Missing Pieces

Every start-up has unique strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how to pinpoint what you need:

  • Assess Your Strengths: What are the core competencies that attracted investors and customers? Understanding these helps you identify where you excel and where you need support.

  • Spot the Gaps: If you’re a young founder with limited experience, you might lack industry-specific knowledge. Conversely, a seasoned veteran might be out of touch with the latest market trends. Identify these gaps and seek advisors who fill them.

  • Hire Relevant Expertise: Choose advisors who bring specific skills and experience to address these gaps. This targeted approach ensures your advisory team aligns with your company’s unique needs.

2. Develop a Fair and Motivating Compensation System

Create an Advisor-Specific Compensation System

An effective advisory board needs to feel invested. Here’s how to structure their compensation:

  • Equity Grants: Offering equity is a common way to compensate advisors. The percentage typically depends on the advisor’s experience and the company’s stage. Early-stage companies may grant a higher equity percentage.

  • Clear Timelines: Define the vesting period for equity grants, usually one to two years. This ensures advisors are motivated to contribute long-term.

  • Additional Incentives: Consider performance-based bonuses or other incentives to further align their interests with the company’s success.

3. Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Create a Mutually Agreed-Upon Goals List

A well-defined set of goals is crucial for both founders and advisors:

  • Outline Expectations: Specify the number of hours per month, meeting attendance, and availability for advice. This clarity helps advisors understand their role and how they can contribute effectively.

  • Define Success Metrics: Establish how success will be measured. Whether it’s through strategic milestones or operational improvements, clear metrics help track the advisor’s impact.

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule periodic reviews to assess progress and recalibrate goals as necessary. This keeps the advisory relationship productive and aligned with evolving company needs.

4. Foster Strong Communication and Integration

Introduce Advisory Team Members and Communicate Frequently

Effective teamwork hinges on strong communication and integration:

  • Initial Meeting: Host a meeting where all advisory board members can introduce themselves and discuss their roles. This helps build a cohesive team dynamic.

  • Regular Updates: Implement a regimented communication schedule. Regular updates on company progress and challenges keep advisors informed and engaged.

  • Encourage Collaboration: Promote collaboration among advisors. A diverse team often generates better solutions when working together rather than in isolation.

5. Continuously Evaluate and Adapt Your Advisory Team

Continue to Evaluate Your Team and Make Changes

The needs of your start-up will evolve, and so should your advisory team:

  • Regular Assessments: Periodically review the performance and relevance of your advisory board. Ensure they continue to align with your company’s changing needs.

  • Be Open to Changes: Don’t hesitate to make adjustments. As your start-up grows or pivots, some advisors may no longer fit. It’s crucial to replace or supplement them with individuals who match the new direction.

  • Maintain Relationships: Even if changes are necessary, keep positive relationships with former advisors. They can be valuable as mentors or in future collaborations.


A well-structured advisory team is more than just a luxury; it’s often essential for navigating the complexities of start-up growth and achieving long-term success. By identifying gaps, creating a motivating compensation system, setting clear goals, fostering communication, and continuously evaluating your team, you can build an advisory board that drives your start-up towards its goals. Remember, the right advisory team not only guides you through the challenges but also helps you seize opportunities for growth and innovation.


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